Apr 12, 2012

he did remember

"do you remember the first time you tell me you 'like' me?"

"well, yeah..why?"

"when? haha"

"pas libur sekolah yaa"

"haha masih inget aja"

"do you still remember it?"

"yes :)"

"why you have the same feeling for me?"

"i don't know, i feel like it's comfortable to talk to you and it feels different like other guys, hbu?"

"same as you, i feel some kind of comfort when i'm having a conversation with you... you're so nice to me"

"well, thanks :)"


this stupid conversation. i just wrote the things that i remember. cause to copying from the real text, it was gone. so is my phone. with all of his chat history. :"). but it's okay. something happen for a reason huh? i believe that.

when my phone is lost, i told him by sms. from my friend's phone, and he replied. i tell him also via twitter and he replied me. he said he did send me a chat, and it's not delivered. and he just know why.
we continue it with texting.

hope this time it will last. :)

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