Mar 8, 2013


sakit itu gak enak wkwk. ya siapa sih yang pengen sakit, pasti gak ada. sendirian lagi di rumah. well, i have chicken pocks. and that s*cks. jadi gw bakal susulan mid semester dan tentunya gak ikutan live in :"( huaaa sedih sekali. padahal udah dapet temen serumah yang cs, a.k.a raras hatibie. dan sebis sama temen yang seru-seru. hm :| bete. yaaa tapi mau diapain lagi. namanya udah sakit gak bisa dipaksain kan?

so today, i enjoy myself being alone at home watching digimon adventure 2 haha. old times. sometimes it makes me want to go back to the time i love the most. when everything is still fine.

and i realize something. i miss being an innocent kid. i miss being the 'little princess'. when our daily life was just playing around at the playground. hiding from our parents that told us to take a nap. how do you see me now? i can't even sleep at 8. i need to study harder than i used to. and waking up in the morning used to be the most excited became the one thing i don't want to. cause i feel extremely tired.
seeing my friends was the joy. and playing with the one that completely strangers was okay. as long as we are happy. but now? friends may be your enemies. backstabber. and all of them using a mask to hide their personality that makes me think they are strangers. and i don't feel like i know them, even they're the closest one. teen-age life.

sad reality. we did want to grow up.
but let me ask you know? do you still want to grow up?

i found this pic. and it's the reality that cannot be denied :

welcome to the world, 'friends'.

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