Aug 28, 2015


late night posts as you know are always about sadness, broken heart, regrets and disappointment, pain, depression, grief, and else.

and what's goin' on my mind now is about all of those things.

it happens because of the distance i have now with someone i love.

distance does make the heart go fonder, and stronger as well. cause it is going to face a lot of things that may tear them apart, scater them into pieces, while everything else is pushing it to stay strong.

there are so many pain i bear everytime i am being disappointed. each stuffes that put me in grief causes depression. i don't know how long i can hold these tears anymore, cause sometimes blaming doesn't fix anything. in the end my heart will always be broken, crack by crack, stick through all the sadness.

i may regret hurting you, but are you too?

baby, don't make our heart fall apart, don't make our heart far from each other by distance.

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