Jul 25, 2012


"ketika kita harus memandang, kadang kita dibutakan. ketika kita harus mendengar, kadang kita menjadi tuli. ketika kita harus berbicara, kadang kita merapat bisu. tapi, jangan biarkan bibirmu mengungkap apa yang tidak kamu dengar dan apa yang tidak kamu lihat."

sadar gak sih, bahwa kita hidup dikelilingi dan diselimuti oleh banyak kebohongan? manusia manusia yang terselubung topeng. gak hanya 1 bahkan, 2, 3, atau lebih dari itu. tergantung pada situasi dan kondisi. karena apa? bukan salah pribadi orang itu, tapi salah kita. salah kita tiap insan yang gak bisa nerima manusia dengan kepribadiannya sendiri, masing-masing berbeda. hingga membuat orang itu merubah apa yang mungkin sebenarnya sudah baik di dalam dirinya. hanya karena dinilai buruk oleh kita, yang bagi mereka adalah orang lain. see? kita dan mereka itu sama. masing-masing masih hidup di dalam senyum kebahagiaannya sendiri. dan kadang lupa bahwa kita sudah dibodohi. oleh pemikiran kita masing-masing. ditemani oleh sekelompok dan sekumpulan manusia penuh kebohongan. membodohi pemikiran. menyakiti perasaan. jadi kalo gw boleh memberi pesan, jika lo mau ubah dunia, ubah diri lo dulu. lepas semua topeng lo. jadi diri lo sendiri. tanpa peduli pendapat mereka, mereka yang ingin menjatuhkan harkat lo. menjadi lebih baik itu gak pernah salah kok. hanya saja bukan proses yang mudah buat dilalui. so, don't judge other, take a mirror, and see it yourself, clearly.

Jul 19, 2012

welcome my family, #26!

selamat dulu deh buat kalian para pejuang kolese gonzaga angkatan baru, Gonzaga#26! selamat atas keberhasilan kalian dalam mengikuti serangkaian acara MOPD XXVI dan udah diterima secara resmi menjadi bagian dari kami, teman sahabat dan keluarga kalian, keluarga besar KOLESE GONZAGA. gw yakin kalian bangga banget seperti halnya gw bangga menerima kalian menjadi bagian dari keseharian gw selama 2 tahun ke depan.

MOPD persiapannya gak mudah guys, gw menjadi bagian di dalamnya, salah satu panitia yang mempersiapkan keseluruhan acara menyambut kalian di pintu gerbang "anak gonz". 3 hari itu gak akan terlupakan. gw yakin. dan gw harap kalian bisa meresapi semua nilai-nilai yang diajarkan seluruh panitia, terutama pangdiv-angdiv kalian dengan sebaik-baiknya dalam kehidupan kalian, di gonz atau pun gak, di mana pun dan kapan pun. kalian udah jadi anak gonz, udah jadi bagian dari kita semua, udah jadi anak yang menjunjung tinggi 3C+C dan semangat baru dalam hidup kalian, yaitu, AMDG! terusin seluruh perjuangan kalian di MOPD dalam divisi dan angkatan kalian itu sendiri, secara bersama-sama. kalian baru melewati tahap awal penerimaan diri sebagai masyarakat gonz dan akan banyak lagi perjuangan kalian nantinya, 3 tahun ke depan. jangan luntur ya semangatnya. perjuangkan terus apa yang harusnya kalian perjuangkan sebagai seorang anak kolese. gw yakin kalian akan berkembang seperti mereka-mereka yang udah menyandang kata "alumni gonzaga" dan menjadi bagian dalam komunitas ikagona. dan semoga kita semua bisa membentuk persahabatan dan keluarga baru yang lebih kompak dan lebih erat dari sebelum-sebelumnya. 1 tahun pertama kalian itu cepet kok. jangan lewatin segala kesempatan yang ada di gonz buat kalian berkembang. tapi jangan juga lupain tugas utama kalian, secara khusus dalam hal akademis. MOPD udah lewat, cukup sudah waktu buat kalian manggil kita "kak". sekarang kita udah nerima lo sebagai sahabat. hormat dan hargai kita itu tetep, sebagai teman dan keluarga lo sendiri. satu tahap udah berlalu, guys. bukan berarti lo berhenti berjuang. semangat terus terutama buat Jambore yang menunggu lo di depan mata, 3 bulan lagi.

sekali lagi, PROFICIAT! buat kalian semua keluarga, sahabat, teman baru gw, part of Gonzaga, the #26th generation. selamat menjalani hari-hari penuh tantangan sebagai masyarakat gonz..salam dari seluruh laskar gonzaga udah menyambut kedatangan kalian! LONG LIVE MY FAMILY.

Jul 16, 2012

best bro

"some of them just don't get it. they seem like they understand when they're actually not knowing how it feels. it is awkward, but it's true. and the feelings that coming through, can't be forced to be disappeared, just like that...and you know how it feels? s*ck. and i just want this thing to end....when actually it was just the beginning of all the heartaches and the broken hearted stories."

hmm guys, do you ever felt like, you're hurting a person, but you just don't realize it, somehow until they tell you they like you..and it is your best buddy.. best friend and i accept him like a bro and you feel the awkward moment..even if it's just in a minute. but it happened to me. because, he likes me. more than just a bro-sis relation, more than just a best friend, he care much more about me than his other sis. and everyone know about this secret, but no one tell me.

i bet you already read this kind of quote like most of the time... "guy friends are the bomb. they're hilarious, cool, you tell them everything, fun to hang out with, no awkwardness.. until you start to like one." hmm and my situation is the opposite, it's like "until they start to like you." :| hmm i just don't know what to say... and i just hope nothing will change between us. both of us is still the best bro and sis, and he will always be my best friend... 'cause we both know, especially, he knows, that both of us never be together..but he promises, our friendship will last forever... ({}) thankyou bro!

Jul 12, 2012

thanks to my bro!

dengerin deh lagu ini enak loh... kakak gw yang kasih tau, dan videonya juga oke punyaa.. enjoy peeps! :D

Jul 7, 2012

true love

best friends, they come and go depending on your highs and your lows
my best friend decided not to be there when i needed her the most
i thought you be there for me, then why did you lie to me, using me to get what you want
then i couldn't believe it happened... no i couldn't understand...

true love, walked out the door, i couldn't take it no more
true love, it broke my heart, you make my whole life sore
he said he'd be my baby, then why did he betrayed me..temptation got to his head
then i left him... (yeah) and this is what i said...

it feels like, it's gonna be okay
it feels right, it just feels that way
it feels like, it'll be a better day

'cause i believe that in the end...
good things are coming my way...

these are the lyric of a song.. i heard the song from one of the episode of dino thunder (power rangers)..kira ford the yellow ranger, played by emma lahana, sing this song.. and i love this song. simple. but the words.. really striking. nice though..hope you guys enjoy.. (Y) :D

Jul 5, 2012

backstabbed (?)

"there's a reason behind something happened. and something happen for a reason. "
yes it is right. and i do believe that. for what had happened to me last year. i found out the reason why. and now i have the explanation. for all those thing that had been lost in a moment. i heard the story, straight from you mouth. thanks to you. thanks, you want to explain it to me.

yesterday you told me about the events that befall us. and makes me understand about what had happened. it feel free you know. to know that it wasn't you who betrayed those old feelings. it has been proved by yourself. with your own feelings now, for me, it was never changed. and you also made me understand, who is friend and who is not. i feel like i was being (a bit) backstabbed by my old friend. one of a friend who is quite close to me, once. you said, she is the one that told you to hate me. the one that slander me. and put you in a hard situation. that's why, you left. and we became lost contact. but i understand. and it is okay now.

it becomes a lesson for both of us. you and i. it brings us into a more mature individual. and that's why i say, it is happen for a reason. and i never regretted it. for everything that ever happened to us. it was a nice story, i guess.

Jul 2, 2012


dear, you...

i write this right now, just because anything about you is rushing on my mind. i don't know why, but it's happening, and nothing can't stop this thing.

do you know? i simply remember all the sweet things you ever said to me. and still remember how all these kind of feelings was mine. ever since we've met. i never knew before, that you're going to be the only one i think about when i feel left alone. i just know you as a friend from the same old school, years ago. never assume that you're handsome enough like any other said about you. admire you and become crazy when you're around them. i'm just standing and sitting away all by myself, like i didn't know you. deep down inside i admitted, after all..they were right.

i don't quite understand how it all began. but i won't deny it, that at the first time, i was trying to be close enough with you, to make all of my friend, which is your fans, jealous. hahaha. silly huh? yes it is, but it's true. each day, i went through my life to get to know you better than before. and then i felt something different. such a, like you? yup maybe. but i don't really realize it at first. and those feelings just grew, bigger. even before i could say it, my heart already admitted it. and my mind give me the same answer. i do like you at all.

after that, the only thing i know is, everything leads us to this feeling. the feelings that tell us, that we like each other. this is kinda absurd, but it is the truth. could be said, i never actually spoken to you before. but now you're becoming the only one that i would like to talk to.

but why? why did you do that to me? don't you ever realize that it was the hardest part of all. letting you go without explanation. seeing you gone with the wind, and left me with nothing. yes. you left. and i don't know how i should explain my feelings at that time. but most of all, all that i know is, it just hurts. much. more than you ever imagined. then, the next thing i know, i need to step back. release all the heartache. and smile. let you go and start to live without any reason to hold on to you. 

it's never been easy you know, go through days knowing that you will never texted me again after this. it is awkward. but i'm trying so hard to understand. day by day, month by month, and year change. i already move on and erase my feelings for you. but you know what? seeing you again, one more time, all the memories coming through my mind, rushing back through the pain, and all the following flashbacks hurt me again. and make me realize one thing. you know what is that? it is my feelings for you. it was never being removed, and it's all still here. stay in my heart. and i don't even know, what drives me to be closely with you as it once was.

and there we go. we texted to each other like we used to. get to know each other more than before. share stories about everything that gone by. then we do realize, you and i, we still have those old feelings. both of us understand now, you love me, your feelings, it was never gone away far from your heart, and me, i'm still here, waiting for you to come back.
